Last November, Governor McAuliffe announced that Express Mobility Partners (EMP) was selected to build express lanes on I-66 Outside the Beltway, following a 16-month procurement process. EMP will be responsible for financing, designing, building, maintaining, and operating the project under the Public-Private Transportation Act.
Nothing is set in stone and your input is extremely important.
Since the announcement, EMP has been working on the engineering with the intent to hold public hearings to present the refined plans. I have heard from many of you who are concerned with some of the most recent changes. I, along with other local elected officials whose districts are mostly affected by this project, will be meeting with VDOT and EMP staff to ensure that your voices are heard.
In the meantime, VDOT has promised me they will do their best to meet with any HOA, community organization, or civic association that would like to schedule a briefing on the I-66 Outside the Beltway Project. The best way to do that would be to email my office or give us call (571-327-0053) and I can help you set something up. I want to make sure that the most accurate information is available to you and that VDOT/EMP understand how best to serve our community.
You can also sign up to get project updates via email.
Upcoming VDOT Public Hearings
There are three public hearings scheduled for June 12th, 14th, and 15th. Although not all the meeting details have been finalized, the most up to date information can be found on the meeting page of the Transform 66 website.
Yours in service,